03 December, 2006

2 Delicious Home Made Hot Chocolate

Hot Chocolate pilihan Gak kalah kok sama Hot Chocolate yang ada di Chocolate atau Coffe House. Thick n full of chocolate flavour.. special for chocolate lovers.. 3 resep ini Gue pilih dari buku kumpulan resep Hot Chocolate-Michael Turback yang dipinjem sama sobat Gue Febie.. (hehehe silahkan copy paste Ibu Feb.
& Have fun with chocolate everyone!

1/ Caramel Hot Chocolate

For Caramel Sauce
1 1/4 Cup Sugar
1 1/4 Water
3/4 Cup Heavy Cream

Hot Chocolate
5/8 Cup Whole Milk
1 1/2 Cup bitter sweet Chocolate (65% cacao), Thinly saved or grated.

To make caramel Sauce:
1. Combine the sugar n water in a saucepan over a medium heat. Cook n stirring occasionaly until the sugar is dissolved n mixture is clear.

2. Increase the heat to high and bring to boil. Cooki without stirring, untill mixture turns a light golden brown about 10 mts. Occasionally brush down the side of the pan with a pastry brush dipped in water.

3. When the mixture begin to caramelize and brown around the edges, and has distinct, nutty fragrance of caramel, lift and gently swirl the pan to encourage even browning.

4. When the caramel is deep golden brown remove from the heat and slowly pour in the cream, continously with a long handled wooden spoon. Sugar will bubble up vigorously as the steam escape. Keep stirring until the bubbling stops and the mixture is smooth. let cool for about 15 mts. Store in a sealed container in fridge for up to 2 weeks.

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To Make Hot Chocolate

In a small pan, bring the mil to simmer over medium-low heat. Remove from heat and stir in the chocolate till completely smooth, about 1 mts. Stir in 2 tbsp of caramel sauce n serve immedietly.

2/ Nutella Hot Chocolate

3/4 whole milk``
2 heaping tbsp of Nutella
Basic Whipped Cream for serving*)

*)To make Basic whipped cream
1 cup heavy cream
1 tbps caster sugar
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract

in a mixing bowl, whip the cream till slightly thickened, Add the remaining ingredients and continue whipping till hold shape.
Spoon on top of hot chocolate.

To make Nuttela Hot Chocolate
In a small sauce pan over a medium-low heat, `add the nuttela and stir with wooden spoon till thoroughly blended. Pour into a mug and garnish with dollop of whip cream. Serve immediately.

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Hot Chocolate is the best!

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