24 February, 2007

Spicy Baby Octopus & Mushroom

Gara2 penasaran pengen nyobain frozen baby octopus sama suami, akhirnya jadilah resep modifikasi ini.. ternyata baby octopus itu bentuknya kayak ghost di kartun2 jadul.. dan gede juga.. jauh banget dari bayangan. Kirain segede anak cumi yang imut2 itu. Hehehe.

500 kg baby octopus (i use frozen one; babyoctopus could be substitute with squid)
2 tablespoons sweet chili sauce
1 tablespoon ketjap manis
1/4 cup lime juice
2 garlic cloves, crushed
2 tablespoons fresh coriander, crushed
5 Field Mushroom (sliced)

Boil baby octopus till tender approx 15 minutes.
Remove and discard heads and beaks from the octopus, cut each octopus in half.
Drain octopus
Saute the octopus with sauce, ketjap manis, juice, garlic and coriander, the juice from the octopus will come out, wait till it a bit dry and mixed up well with the seasoning.
Serve hot

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Seafood, love it..

Jamie's Cheese Cake with Mix Berry Cream

Minggu kemarin bikin lagi cheese cakenya mas Jamie.. :P Ternyata suami gak mau pindah ke lain cheese cake lagi... (Im gonna miss you chantal NY cheesecake!) dia freak banget sama cheese cake satu ini. Bikin dalam rangka dinner bersama sahabat kita yang ngenalin "pacar' barunya.. hehehe..

Resepnya silahkan liat di link atas, dan untuk topping simple banget..
Pake Mix berry in syrup yang ditiriskan, tata di atas cheesecake trus kelilingin aja dengan double cream pake spuit sesuai selera..
Atau kalau malas bercreamy ria, setelah pake mix berry taburin dengan icing sugar sip juga loh..

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1 hour later...after 1st cut

Puding Sutra

Minggu2 belakangan ini Melbourne panas gak menentu, pengap banget hawanya. Terutama pas weekend lalu sempet juga sampe 40C bikin gak bisa tidur. Pastinya kegiatan ngeteh dan ngopi anget pun jadi gak ada lagi.. pengennya yang seger2 dan dingin2..

Wahh kalau bikin Puding ini Mantap banget deh buat summer treat.. Puding sutra yang lembuuutt dan enak banget di bagian bawah dan atasnya topping buah yang segaar..
Kemarin sempet berkreasi dengan dua topping berbeda, peach dan satu lagi sesuai resep plus prune (my favorite)!.

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Peach Topping

Makasih buat Mbak Dara yang udah ngirimin resep handal ini ya.. bakalan sering bikin ini nih kayaknya sampai end of this summer :)

Untuk kurang lebih 10 porsi

1 bks agar2 bubuk warna putih
1500 cc susu cair
175 gr gula pasir
1 sdt essens almond (gue gak pake)
½ sdt vanili (bisa pake daun pandan)
½ klg buah leci, tiriskan, sebagian dipotong2.

Buah leci kalengan
Air buah leci (jus leci)
Cocktail kalengan, atau sesuai selera, secukupnya (gue tambahkan juga prune in syrup airnya gak dipake)

Cara membuat:
Campur agar2, susu cair, dan gula pasir. Masak sambil diaduk sampai mendidih. Kalo pake daun pandan, dimasukkan sejak tahap ini.
Masukkan potongan buah leci, aduk sampai mendidih lagi. Matikan apinya. Tambahkan esens almond dan vanili, aduk rata.
Siapkan wadah/gelas tahan panas, tuang adonan puding dan biarkan dingin. Hidangkan bersama buah leci, cocktail kalengan, dan jus leci.


Puding ini lembut sekali dan tidak bisa dikeluarkan dari wadahnya (dibalik). Karena itu cetakan yg digunakan adalah langsung wadah yg disajikan.

Seru juga kalau dibikin individually di gelas2 cantik gitu kalau niat.. hehehe

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My ultimate good mood booster for hot summer days! ;)

10 February, 2007

Banana Cake

Mumpung ada pisang cavendish yang udah mateng dari pada keburu gak kemakan langsung deh pikiran menuju bikin Banana Cake.
Resep ini udah gue simpen lama dari Blog Cookingnya Mbak Vania! Thanks a lot Mbak! Great Recipe! Hasilnya cake ini haruumm banget dan Yummy.. bikin gak berhenti makan. Dan.. gue bikin tanpa mixer loh! it's still great! :)

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100 gr gula pasir
5 butir telur
175 gr tepung terigu (gue pake 175 gr self raising flour untuk menggantikan tepung terigu dan baking powder)
1 sdt baking powder
1 sdm kayu manis bubuk
300 gr pisang ambon, haluskan (Gue pake 600 gr pisang cavendish yang sudah matang biar lebih yummy)
100 gr mentega, cairkan
Keju parut & kacang u/ taburan (optional)

Cara Membuat:
1. Siapkan cetakan loaf, olesi mentega dan alasi kertas roti. Panaskan oven 180 C.
2. Kocok gula dan telur sampai mengental, sisihkan.
3. Campur terigu, baking powder dan kayu manis bubuk, aduk rata.
4. Masukkan adonan tepung dan pisang yg sudah dihaluskan ke dalam telur kocok. Aduk.
Tuangin mentega cair, aduk hingga tercampur rata.
5. Tuangkan adonan ke dalam cetakan dan taburi dgn keju & kacang.
6. Panggang lebih kurang 1 jam hingga matang.-Keluarkan cetakan. Tunggu sampai dingin.
7. Keluarkan dari cetakan, dan potong melintang.

Tips dari yang punya resep: Kalau bisa ngancurin pisangnya pake garpu (jgn diblender...ntar texturenya rusak, jadi gluey). Dan ngancurinnya pada saat udah deket2 mo dicampur dgn bahan lain jadi gak sempet berubah warna.

Thanks a lot ya mbak Vania for the tips! memang enak banget kalau masih ada kerasa daging pisangnya di dalam cakenya.

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Love the smell, love the taste..

04 February, 2007

Bloomin' Easy Vanilla Cheese Cake-Jamie Oliver

"As you can see, the ingredients are all pretty everyday things. However, my tip for getting the very best out of this recipe is to make sure that you try and get the best ingredients taht you possibly can." Jamie Oliver

Akhirnya bisa menepati janji juga untuk bikin cheese cake Jamie Oliver. Sebenarnya minggu lalu udah mau bikin tapi berhubung begitu sempat, ternyata double cream yang berumur pendek itu sudah keburu kadaluarsa :(

Hasilnya Cheese cake ini lebih stable dibanding New York Cheese cake yang biasa gue bikin. Sepertinya karena pake corn flour, dan rasanya lebih creamy karena double creamnya. Secara general I love it, walaupun kalau disuruh memilih I still prefer resep New York Cheese cake andalan karena pake sour cream, I just love sour cream ;)

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Saran Gw, kalau suka yang lebih creamy.. go for this recipe.. dijamin bakalan happy deh ;)

Let's get started!

Serves 8-10

150g/ 5.5oz unsalted butter, melted plus extra for greasing.
250 g/9oz digestive biscuits, crushed (gw pake arnotts marie)
115 g/4oz caster sugar
3 tbsp cornflour
900g/2lb full-fat cream cheese, at room temperature
2 large free-range or organic eggs
115 ml/4fl oz double cream
1 vanilla pod,scored lenghtways and seeds removed, or 1/2 tsp vanilla etract
Zest of 1 lemon
Zest of 1 Orange

For the Cherry compote
400g/14oz stoned cherries
3 heaped tbsp caster sugar
Ocing sugar for dusting

I substitutes the cherry compote into Peach and Walnut topping instead:

2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 package (10 ounces) frozen sliced peaches in syrup, thawed, about 2 cups
1/4 cup toasted slivered almonds/walnuts

Two to four hours before serving, prepare topping. Combine sugar and cornstarch. Drain syrup from thawed peaches and stir into the sugar and cornstarch mixture. Cook, stirring constantly, until thickened and clear. Add sliced peaches; heat. Spoon peach topping over cheesecake, arranging peach slices to create a pinwheel effect. Sprinkle with toasted slivered almonds. Chill until serving time. Carefully remove sides of pan to serve.
Makes one 9-inch cheesecake, about 12 to 16 servings.


1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/gas4, and grease and line the bottom and sides of 24cm/9-1/2inch springform cake tin. Mix the biscuits and butter in a boowl, press into the nase of the prepared tin and cook for 10 minutes. Then remove from the oven and allow to cool.

2. Turn the oven up to 200C/400F/gas6. Combine sugar and cornflour in a bowl. Add the cream cheese and beat ideally with an electric whisk, until creamy. Add the eggs and beat well. Gradually add the cream, beating until smooth, then beat in the vanilla seeds or extract and lemon and orange zest.

3. Scrape the mixture on to the biscuit base, and gently shake it to level out the surface. Put the cheesecake in the center of the oven and bake for 40 to 45 minutes until the top golden brown and the filling has set around the edges. (A piece of foil over the top will stop it browning too much). Let it cool at room temperatur and serve after 3 hours, or, for slightly firmer texture, put it in the fridge until it's nice and cold. (I Prefer to put it in the fridge overnight)

4. Before serving, put the cherries in a pan, sprinkle over the sugar and add a splash of water. Put on a low to medium heat and simmer gently for 10 minutes. When the compote has reduced down, it might be a little dry, so add splash water to loosen it. Remove from heat and let it cool down, then serve spooned over the cheesecake with a dusting of icing sugar.

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So creamy... yum..!